James Brunt

                James Brunt is a York-shire based artist that creates his work from raw material found outside.  Anything from sticks, stones and leaves, he uses to create patterned/ geometric designs in nature.  His outdoor installations effectively use ‘nature as a canvas’.  His work is reminiscent of the of earthworks or land art which was prominent art movement in the 1960’s and 70’s. 

                Brunt’s work can be found in a wide variety of places.  Any where from beaches, parks, school yards to forests, he will use the material found on site.  These installations are always impermanent.  He finds inspiration in using these everyday natural objects.  Changing the ordinary material into something to be valued, noticed, and celebrated. 

                James Brunt then juxtaposes this impermanent and ephemeral side of his work with the use of photography.  Immortalizing what was once temporary.  He describes his photographs as a “dramatic point of balance.” “Both poetically fragile to look and yet deceptively solid due to the nature of the raw material.” 

Land Art Ephemeral Art James Brunt Mandalas Mandala Stones


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